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It isn't so difficult to enlarge the scale of a cross-border shopping mall.
The transaction scale of global B2C cross-border e-commerce has maintained a high-speed growth. The transaction scale in 2020 is predicted to exceed one trillion U.S. dollars.
Cross-border selling is no longer so complicated
To enter a new country, it is necessary to make an integration between payment suppliers, local entities, banks, foreign exchange and compliance suppliers. Monix has eliminated the complexity and costs of scattered methods about managing several suppliers and systems.
More local payment options for improving the conversion rate
Globally, an average of 79% of online shopping carts are abandoned. To allow your clients to make payment in their favorite local methods - whether by money, credit card, bank transfer, postpaid invoice or electronic wallet - will increase the cross-border conversion rate.
See how our customers are reviewing Monix
Zhuanglemei cross-border mall
As an online cross-border mall about beauty products, Zhuanglemei mainly sells local makeups of South Korea to Southeast Asian countries through the internet. However, due to restriction of payment currencies and methods and customs clearance risk control, the abandonment rate of shopping cart has exceeded 90%.
We contacted Monix. They helped us to access into several local payment channels of Southeast Asia so that our buyers can make rapid payment with local popular methods. It also provided a set of excellent customs clearance risk control mechanisms, successfully lowering the abandonment rate of shopping carts to 30%.
Monix’s cross-border service makes payment know no limits.
Through Monix, you can let your clients make rapid payment in a local way preferred by them.
Batch payment
Access more than 900 local payment methods in 100+ countries, with your money reaching recipient’s within minutes.
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Global account
Monix can provide a global account of 60+ currencies for free, supporting free circulation of funds in 100+ countries.
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Integrated payment
Flexible integrated payments with OmiPay with multiple payment methods.
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Ready to get started?
Create an account now and start collect and payment abroad. You can also contact us to design a custom package for your company.
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Rate alert
With the real-time alert about exchange rate fluctuations, you needn't worry about foreign exchange risks anymore.
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