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Local payment is crucial for achieving success in international markets.
The sales volume of internet platforms account for 52% of the global online sales volume.
The local payment has increased the conversion rate
As more and more global purchasers turn to internet platforms, the payment must support buyers’ local transactions. To provide local payment methods can increase the conversion rate of more consumers.
Increased the retention rate of sellers
Globally, an average of 79% of online shopping carts are abandoned. To allow your clients to make payment in their favorite local methods - whether by money, credit card, bank transfer, postpaid invoice or electronic wallet - will increase the cross-border conversion rate.
Batch intelligent distribution has improved the run efficiency
Automatic distribution and risk control for sellers’ payment are a hard nut for each internet platform. Monix has offered the platform a mechanism to automatically and batch distribution, making the platform make a distribution in local currencies expected by sellers. It can remarkably increase the working efficiency of the platform.
See how our customers are reviewing Monix
Founded in 2018, BFtaxi is a mobile travelling platform providing taxi and hitchhiking services. Taking 'make travelling pleasant and interesting' as its mission, BFtaxi strives to be 'the first choice for users to use taxi and hitchhiking services'.
Monix helps us access into many local payment channels in a real-time manner so that our passengers can make rapid payment in a popular local method. At the same time, it helps us to establish a driver terminal fast distribution channel Fpay-service. With favorable reviews from passengers and drivers, our market share has increased rapidly from the fifth place to the third place.
Monix’ cross-border service makes you carry on transactions without borders.
Wherever sellers and buyers are, they can collect payments or make payments in their favorite way.
Global collection
Collect payments like a local in 100+ countries, with no hidden fees.
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Batch payment
Access more than 900 local payment methods in 100+ countries, with your money reaching recipient’s within minutes.
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API product
The powerful and easy-to-operate API can simplify global financial operation so that you can expand your business globally.
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Ready to get started?
Create an account now and start collect and payment abroad. You can also contact us to design a custom package for your company.
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Rate alert
With the real-time alert about exchange rate fluctuations, you needn't worry about foreign exchange risks anymore.
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